Thursday, April 3, 2008

Under the Elephant

As well as "The Circ", another favourite meeting place for teenagers in the centre of Coventry, particularly in the 60s, was at the top of the Upper Precinct, where a statue of an elephant stands high on a column overlooking Broadgate. Meeting "under the Elephant" became part of the local way of life, in the days when it was a rather more pleasant spot than it has become today. The elephant, carrying Coventry Castle on its back, has long been part of the Coat of Arms of the city, and the statue was made by Coventry Motor Panels and originally marked the site of the "Savings for Reconstruction" exhibition

1 comment:

Jane Hards Photography said...

I saw the name midland red on someone's comments and just knew you had to be from the west midlands, as I used to be.

I will have to check out your photos another time properly, but for now just want to say this one is great. Bostin'(that'll confuse a few people) blue sky and a great angle. Welcome. Good to see some midlands stuff on here.